This Web page is an electronic companion to Chapter 9 of the book Learning to Use the Internet, by Ernest C. Ackermann . It contains links to the Internet resources, sites, and services mentioned in the chapter. Using this you can access them directly, without typing the long addresses or URLs for each item. Please send any comments, questions or suggestions to Ernest Ackermann. For orders or requests for examination copies contact the publisher at

Chapter 9 Gopher: Burrowing through the Internet

Getting the software to set up a Gopher Client.

Contacting the "home" Gopher server at University of Minnesota

Illustration by Karl Ackermann.

Example 9.1 Accessing the Virtual Reference Desk through Gopher

Example 9.2 Working With a Document on a Gopher Menu

Start by accessing the Gopher server at Mary Washington College select "The Computer Center" and then "Help at MWC" and finally "Using tin for News"

Example 9.3 - Working With Bookmarks

In this example you see how to add menus and items from menus to a bookmark list. You can use these methods with any Gopher menu. The one in the book is the "News & Weather" menu from the Gopher server running at

Example 9.4 - Veronica Searches

You use Veronica to search for items on Gopher menus, and for items you can get to through Gopher. Veronica servers are located at several sites on the Internet. In this example we start at the Gopher server at The Library of Congress and then choose "Internet Resources", From this menu, you select Veronica and Jughead Servers (search gopherspace).

Sources of Information about Gopher on the Internet

Virtual Table of Contents for Learning to Use the Internet

Some other places you may want to visit
Learning to Use the Internet Learning to Use the World Wide Web Searching and Researching on the World Wide Web

Last Updated: Monday, May 6, 1996
Copyright 1995-1996 Ernest Ackermann
Please send comments/questions to