Searching for Media
The collection of hyperlinks in Chapter 9 of Searching and Researching on the Internet and the World Wide Web 5th Edition
Online Music
Images & Photos
“This library of over 31,000 photographic images of plant species and plant habitats is intended for public as well as professional use. The web images may be used as presented for non-commercial purposes only, with appropriate attribution”
Below are forms to search for selected botanical images used in courses at California State University Stanislaus. You may select a course or phylum, or use whole or partial words in any number of boxes in the the free form search below. The course and phyla searches provide brief summaries while the free form search provides more detailed information. Classification follows Raven, Evert and Eichorn, 6th ed. Family names are provided only for vascular plants. Images are 800 x 600 pixels and sizes range from 180 – 18 kb. The database currently contains 825 images. Images and keywords will be added on a continuing basis.
“Welcome to the Archive’s Moving Images library of free movies, films, and videos. This library contains thousands of digital movies uploaded by Archive users which range from classic full-length films, to daily alternative news broadcasts, to cartoons and concerts. Many of these videos are available for free download”
Hulu is a free site that provides thousands of TV shows and films as streaming videos that contain short commercials.
“iTunes U brings the power of the iTunes Store to education, making it simple to distribute information to your students and faculty — or to lifelong learners all over the world. With an iTunes U site, your institution has a single home for all the digital content created or curated by educators, which can then be easily downloaded and viewed on any Mac, PC, iPod, or iPhone.”
Last updated June 1, 2010
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