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links for 2009-01-07

Diplodocs – Find your user manual, user guide, instruction manual or owner manual instantly ! So much time wasted looking all over the place for the instruction manual to tune the tv-set, find the printer cartridge replacement how-to, the meaning of the blinking led on the dashboard. (tags: guide reference manuals lifehacks) Vapour Trails: Revisiting […]

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Ajax and Flash links for 2008-06-16

Aflax: The Ajax Library for the Adobe Flash Platform Aflaxtm stands for Asynchronous Flash and XML. Defined simply, Aflax is a development methodology which combines Ajax and Flash to create more dynamic web based applications. (tags: ajax javascript flash aflax actionscript library) Flash vs. Ajax it was interesting to see how the AJAX Movement was […]

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Ajax Patterns & A Place to Bury Strangers links for 2008-06-11

Ajax Patterns Ajax Demos Illustrating Patterns @ (tags: ajax javascript examples patterns) A Place to Bury Strangers Links A Place To Bury Strangers – live concert video on Video of show in Amsterdam (tags: aptbs) Pitchfork: Trent Reznor Planning NIN Year Zero TV Series And if you’re wondering what said tour and said […]

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Ajax and Prototype & A Place to Bury Strangers links for 2008-06-04

Ajax and Prototype 24 ways: Easy Ajax with Prototype There’s little more impressive on the web today than a appropriate touch of Ajax. Used well, Ajax brings a web interface much closer to the experience of a desktop app, and can turn a bear of an task into a pleasurable activity. (tags: ajax prototype javascript […]

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Ajax, Amazon API, & A Place to Bury Strangers links for 2008-06-03

Ajax & Amazon API FogBugz 4.5 and Subjective Well-Being – Joel on Software When they do need more information from the server, they often download the small fragment they need, rather than waiting for the server to build a whole new page. The net result is faster, crisper feedback that makes you feel in control […]

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Ajax and A Place to Bury Strangers links for 2008-06-02

Ajax Reusing an XHR Object (tags: refactoring ajax) A Place to Bury Strangers My Inland Empire : G And what A Place To Bury Strangers indeed does is write pop songs, with simple, traditional arrangements, primarily in slightly menacing minor keys, and saturated with their own unique brand of sonic mayhem. (tags: aptbs review)

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Ajax, XML, JavaScript links for 2008-05-27

JavaScript Kit- Combo box scripts double combo javascripts (tags: javascript scripts webdesign html) Connected Dropdown Box – (tags: javascript) Ariel Flesler: XMLWriter for Javascript This is a Javascript class, based on .NET’s XMLTextWriter. This is not a port, but a reduced and adapted version. (tags: framework javascript xml) Controls: Do Your Web Users […]

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Two DOM tutorials and A Place to Bury Strangers links for 2008-05-19

Two DOM tutorials HTML DOM Tutorial The HTML Document Object Model (HTML DOM) defines a standard way for accessing and manipulating HTML documents.The DOM presents an HTML document as a tree-structure (a node tree), with elements, attributes, and text.  (tags: dom tutorial) W3C DOM Tutorial W3C created a future more standard Document Object Model, which […]

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