Getting ready for classes often brings some fun surprises. MyCyberTwin is one of them. It’s a site where you can set up an AI that will converse with a visitor. It also includes ways to train the AI so it has standard responses for certain types of statements or situations.
ernie’s cybertwin
chat bot you design
“During this episode of TR Dojo, I show you just a few of the cool things you can do with a USB flash drive”
“For the very first installment of The Food Lab, I thought I’d tackle one of the simplest, yet most vexing everyday challenges of the home kitchen: perfectly boiling an egg.”
“I was tempted by recipes for ravioli and risotto, but eventually settled on something that would do nothing to obscure the wonderful flavor and texture, presenting the squash simply, as-is, braised with a little garlic then caramelized over high heat. It came courtesy of my worn copy of Mark Bittman’s How to Cook Everything.”
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