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Katydid on Basil

Most days I spend some time in the morning checking on the plants and vegetables in our  garden. Seeing what is doing well, what needs attention, what might be ready to harvest, pick or cut,  and occasionally taking some pictures. The light is usually very good between 7 and 8 AM. The sun is rising and […]

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Gardening Infographic

A very nice infographic about gardening. Everything You Need to Know About Vegetable Gardening in One Graphic | Over Grow The System – an infographic giving basic info, including plans, for plot and container gardening. Companion planting info contained as well. garden gardening vegetables companion planting

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View du jour, May 14 2012

  Some people call them walking onions, when I bought the sets many years ago they were called Egyptian onions. A couple of pics in the front garden after a shower today.

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Spring planting, February

Planted one row of lettuce, Feb 11, 2011. The weather was pretty good and Heidi Lewis said, on Facebook, that  she was planting. Planted three short rows of peas today, February 13, 2011. One of Sugar Snap – dated 2006 Two of  Snow Peas – probably from 2008 It is windy today, but the temperature […]

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Landscaping with bottles and caring for Peonies; Gardening links for 2009-06-02

While in Brooklyn in earlier May we came upon a garden along a sidewalk near the Gowanus Canal. Whoever put it together used bottles as a border in one part to provide some height differential. it was very effective visually and structurally. A link to instructions for such a project is below along with a […]

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View du jour June 5, 2008

The sunlight this morning a little before 7 was illuminating the leaves on the red maple in our front garden. We had strong thunderstorms the past two days and the leaves were coated with rain drops. Click on either image for a closer view. The tree is about 4 feet tall now, and we’ve had […]

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