Cooking dictionaries & terms
Here are two dictionaries dealing with cooking terms. I’ve found them both useful when I come across a new term in a recipe, or a descriptive term that I want to get right. Cooking Dictionary, Glossary and Terms directory. collection of glossaries (tags: cooking definitions food glossary glossaries) A: Page 1: Cooking Terms: Glossary […]
Also tagged cooking, dictionary
Computer jargon; Vanishing computers
Handy dandy computer jargon decoder | Geekgirl’s Plain English Computing “Can’t tell your hardware from your software? This plain English computer glossary introduces all the terms you need to get started with computers and the Internet.” (tags: glossary jargon) Technology – Computers as Invisible as the Air – “THE personal computer is vanishing. Computers […]
Also tagged computing, jargon, nanotechnologyCommentary
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