Links from June 11, 2012
These are my links from June 11, 2012 Kevin Kelly tells technology’s epic story | Video on – 'In this wide-ranging, thought-provoking talk from TEDxAmsterdam, Kevin Kelly muses on what technology means in our lives — from its impact at the personal level to its place in the cosmos.'kevin kelly ted philosophy tools evolution […]
Also tagged ', ai, book_review, brain, computation, computer, culture, engineering, evolution, history, kevin kelly, philosophy, reading, research, reviews, robot, robotics, robots, science, technology, TED, tools, video, wolfram, writing
Computer jargon; Vanishing computers
Handy dandy computer jargon decoder | Geekgirl’s Plain English Computing “Can’t tell your hardware from your software? This plain English computer glossary introduces all the terms you need to get started with computers and the Internet.” (tags: glossary jargon) Technology – Computers as Invisible as the Air – “THE personal computer is vanishing. Computers […]
Also tagged glossary, jargon, nanotechnologyCommentary
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