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MIME types links for 2009-09-29

Talking with the students in CPSC 448, we needed to deal with MIME types in the case of uploading and displaying files. Here are a few links to some info on MIME types. The presentation for class is Uploading Files MIME Type Detection in Internet Explorer IE MIME Types (tags: mimetype mimetypes) Global MIME Types […]

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Library of Congress Webcasts and American Folklife Center; Free Internet Music Resources

Online Collections and Presentation (The American Folklife Center, Library of Congress) The American Folklife Center provides online access to selected portions of our collections. We create our own online presentations on various topics and the American Memory project provides additional online access to selected collections. Online content may include audio samples of music and stories, […]

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Copyright and multimedia on the Web

So if you have come across some media on the Web that you like what can you legally do with it? The term legally is important here, because for any item on the Web (a network) we know we can make an exact copy it and save it on our computer or a memory card/stick […]

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Where to find multimedia on the Web

You can’t avoid it. The hardware and software technology that supports the Web makes it relatively easy and quite natural to make information in all sorts of formats – text, images, audio, video – available. With a high speed connection to the Internet you can experience all these formats quite easily. Virtually all the news […]

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Multimedia on the Web (Introduction)

If something can be digitized, put into some digital format, then it is likely to be available on the Web.  So it is reasonable to expect be able to access photos, still images, audio recordings, and video. Almost all of the music we listen to, and almost all of the pictures and videos we take […]

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Englebart’s Demo & Death By Audio links for 2008-12-10

Dec. 9, 1968: The Mother of All Demos 1968: Computer scientist Douglas Engelbart kicks off the personal computer revolution with a product demonstration that is so amazing it inspires a generation of technologists. It will become known as “the mother of all demos.” (tags: technology history Computers Wired mouse) self-titled – no. 2 [36 – […]

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