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Undergraduate CS Enrollments Stable?

Enrollments in undergraduate computer science courses, the number of students majoring in computer science, and the number of students graduating with a degree in computer science has been declining since the 200-2001 academic year.

Continued Drop in CS Bachelor’s Degree Production and Enrollments as the Number of New Majors Stabilizes” published by the Computing Research Associates (CRA) indicates that the decline may be over. That’s the hopeful interpretation. The report includes data showing that the number of undergraduates enrolled in computer science courses has stabilized. The report mentioned here contains the graph below and several others showing the decline in numbers and the current stabilization.

The report is drawn from data that CRA collects as part of the biennial “Taulbee Survey.”

The Taulbee Survey is the principal source of information on the enrollment, production, and employment of Ph.D.s in computer science and computer engineering (CS & CE) and in providing salary and demographic data for faculty in CS & CE in North America. Statistics given include gender and ethnicity breakdowns.

The survey is named after Orrin E. Taulbee, University of Pittsburgh, who conducted these surveys from 1974-1984 for the Computer Science Board (the predecessor organization to the Computing Research Association).

The data is drawn from PhD granting institutions but we have used the trends it displays to apply to our situation in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Mary Washington.

U.S. Deaths Confirmed By The DoD: 3502
Reported U.S. Deaths Pending DoD Confirmation: 10
Total 3512

DoD Confirmation List Latest Coalition Fatality: Jun 10, 2007

Source: Iraqi Coalition Casualty Count

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