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Functional Programming, map/reduce links

About functional programming and map/reduce Backus’s Idea of Functional Programming : Good Math, Bad Math – Review of Backus’s ideas Functional_Programming functional backus programming Pragmatic Programming Techniques: Hadoop Map/Reduce Implementation – programming design parallel concurrency architecture scalability distributed mapreduce hadoop Introduction to Parallel Programming and MapReduce – Google Code University – Google Code – “This tutorial covers the basics […]

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An Agglomeration of Links for the end of October, 2011

Some tips form lifeHacker, some links about programming, and a travel site. How to Create a Fake Identity and Stay Anonymous Online – “You don’t need to have evil motives for wanting to fake your identity or go incognito online; for many people, it’s a matter of privacy and avoiding spammers and scammers. Thankfully, there […]

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