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Links from Chapter 4, Searching and Researching; Managing and Citing Information

This chapter deals with the ins and outs of managing the information you find and it covers the important aspects of properly citing what you’ve found. General Guides-The Library-University of California, Berkeley ” http://www.lib.berkeley. edu/Help/guides.html” (tags: berkeley citation citing manuals style chapter4snr5) Online Guides to Citing Electronic Sources “This handout contains links to sources which […]

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Internet Research Tips & Internet Turorials

A couple of links surfaced recently. They are about doing research and tutorials for using the Internet.They are worth keeping track of. Internet Research Tips – How To Use The Web To Research A Topic “Searching the web seems like an easy prospect. Take, for example, the person searching who wants to learn how to […]

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Metadata and searching for non-text items

There is a fundamental difference searching for non-text items compared to  searching for text items such as documents and other Web pages.  The difference is not in the techniques we use, but  since we usually use text for our searches when we search for non-text items, our search is based on secondary information, often descriptive […]

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Links from Faculty Academy 2009-05-15

12 Companies Targeting Early Tech Adopters – ReadWriteWeb Our mission at ReadWriteWeb is to explore the latest Web technology products and trends. We’re fortunate to have a great group of sponsors who support this goal. So, once a week, we write a post about them; about who they are, what they do, and what they’ve […]

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Laura Blankenship at Faculty Academy

Laura Blankenship at Faculty Academy     How do students do research?  Start in library only 10% of the time. Got to Web – Google OK, but many start at Amazon or Wikipedia. Using social software tools for  research without peer review ,  transparency – commentary on work is important provide a means of feedback built […]

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Searching and Researching Glossary

Searching and Researching Glossary Searching and Researching on the Internet and the Web Glossary (tags: snr snr1)

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Small Business searches & A Place to Bury Strangers links for 2008-07-11

“small business” facts – Google Search possible first search in chapter 1. We can or cannot use quotes, There are some differences, but I don’t think it is significant. (tags: small business snr snr1) “small business” “case studies” – Google Search possible first search for chapter 1. We can or cannot use the quotes. The […]

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Searching links for 2008-06-13

Internet Navigator Home Internet tutorial (tags: internet tutorial introduction) Tilburg University – Searching the World Wide Web: a basic tutorial Searching the World Wide Web: a basic tutorial (tags: tutorials tutorial internet libraries) 25 Useful Social Networking Tools for Librarians – College As a librarian, you want to be able to share information with […]

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